Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Planning for an anniversary that should be a bithday party.

Eleven months have passed since we had to say goodbye to our darling daughter and that has put us in mind of what we would like to do one month from now. Obviously we are not going to let this day pass without suitable recognition, and although our thoughts might change, we have come up with a few things we would like to happen. On Friday the 20th of April Stuart and I would like to be able to leave the kids somewhere and have the evening to go into the city alone. Then on Saturday the 21st we will take the kids (and whoever else would like to join us) to Isabelle's garden so that the kids can give the sight some birthday decoration (flowers, balloons, pinwheels etc). Stuart and I will also be buying a gift from the world's most useful catalogue (or whatever it is called) and we would like to encourage others who would like to mark the occasion to do similar. Any cards etc Stuart would like to collect and keep in Isabelle's treasure box.
After we have been to Isabelle's garden we are planning to take our kids to the zoo and invite anyone who is keen to join with us (this may be for a picnic lunch or it may be after depending on what is happening in the morning).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update about your plans. As I have been saying to myself for the last ten months, I do want to send something that is a representation from her Lebanese family for Isabelle. Now that I have Mum and Dad here, that is much more likely and we are looking for a suitable way to express our love for her and for you all. I really pray that God will strengthen you as you plan and prepare for this time. Lots of love and hugs, Lindy

Anonymous said...

We are not sure how we can be involved on this weekend, as Darryl & Leonora will be WA for a weddingb but will try and fit in somehow. Love Mum & Dad.