Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Our Photos of camp

These ones are more just John and me, having fun and being silly mostly!!


Debbie said...

Cool. Nice to see you guys enjoying yourselves. Natalie was very excited about seeing the 'white horse' and was very keen to know when she can go for a ride.

Hope settling back into life has been ok this week after the fun of camp.

Love and hugs

Lindy said...

Please tell Natalie that her Aunty Lindy would be more that happy to take her riding anytime Mummy will bring her over for a visit!!!! We have mostly recovered although I still have only half a voice, (which could make leading worship interesting on Sunday!) and John has been wiped all week and is still struggling with his allergies. Thankfully we had a day off yesterday and managed to just stay at home. Hooray.