Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Finally a post from Whyalla

Hi all. Sorry that I have been so completely slack at putting anything on the blog. Sadly, I really haven't taken any photos for weeks, and as a result don't think to sit and blog.
Thank you Kerryn for sharing about your dramatic life in Brighton. Glad to hear that your house was spared from an icky mess. Also thanks for the photos Lindy. You rock - look at you go girl! Will have to check out your band sometime.

Thanks to mum, dad and Jean for visiting on Monday. Was nice to catch up and see you all, and glad to hear that your dinner went well. The kids are looking forward to their 'long' visit over to Grandma and Grandpa's.

Well a bit has happened since I last wrote. For example, this morning was interesting!
I pulled up at kindy after dropping off Natalie and I was sure that I could hear a cat. Didn't think much of it. Got Calvin out of the car and could still hear it - then I realized that it was coming from the engine! Decided to take Calvin in first, the whole time thinking ' oh no, I going to find Katt smooched in the engine'. So thumping heart went back to the car opened the bonnet, and sure enough there was a cat (but not our Katt - hurray). It looked so stuck and at first I couldn't get it out thinking ' oh ick. its tail or paw must be crushed in something. But then it came out in one piece and so I dropped it at the vets. It wasn't micro-chipped, so I hope that they are able to find the owners okay.

Apart from having cats in the engine, life has pretty much just been 'getting through the day'. A couple of weeks back I had a series of rather intense anxiety attacks (no, my brain doesn't feel anxious but I have a lot of dizziness, chest pain, breathing difficulty, vision issues, muscle pain, back pain etc etc) that continued for over a week, at which point I went to the Dr and she gave me some heavy duty 'knock out' drugs. Not sure if these have helped as they mostly left me with the physical symptoms but too sleepy to care! Still not feeling 'well' but have reduced myself to a strict diet of boring foods (no caffeine, no alcohol, no chocolate!!!, no sugars, no fatty fats, etc) and am very careful about what I watch, talk about and I'm certainly getting through the day better than I was (or wasn't as the case may be). The Dr took blood last week and called me back today to give more, so hopefully this arvo they will have some results that can point to a solution to all of this. Haven't taken any of the meds since Friday, so I think that's a good start.

Of course life goes on ... and Natalie has really been enjoying school lately. I have noticed a huge improvement in her reading and although usually completely wrong, I can see that she is putting a lot of thought into her writing. Was very excited the other night when we pulled out the flute, clarinet and saxophone for her (and Calvin) to look at. She has decided that she would like to learn the flute (at some point in the future).
Calvin had his first morning care today and absolutely loved it (morning may prove better than afternoons). It is great to hear all the staff describe him as a 'gorgeous and lovely little boy' - much better than a grumpy thug. He has also been growing and learning a lot lately (have included his picture).

Last night Stuart and I came across this book called "The dangerous book for boys". Sounds absolutely fantastic. For those mums out there with boys you may want to check out the ad for it on You Tube.
Brilliant! Makes me excited for the day when Calvin is old enough to be into all of this sort of stuff.

Wow, this is a long post! I should stop writing now. Hope that you are all going well. I'll try not to leave it so long between posts next time and hopefully will have some good health news soon. Wonder if you have big plans for Friday Lindy! Bible study here tonight, so I should go and clean and get ready.
God bless, take care, hugs to all.


Lindy said...

Hey Deb, good to hear from you too. Very glad to hear that the cat was removed in one piece, and also that you are finding ways to make it through life a bit easier. Long may that continue!! We are having a busy few weeks. I think Friday will kind of just pass but at this age that's okay. We are still touring with the Brazilian band Berimbau all this week and I am finding a few windows to go join them. Today after I go to work and they go to school, they are coming to the orphange to do a program, then going to Scott for supper, then I have practice for an opening of a chapel Sunday, tomorrow after Tyre, (I'm also doing chapel), I hope to go over to Zahle to see the band in a festival there, (lots of driving) then Friday I'm leading Bible Study here at my house, Saturday Morning we are recording the kids CD with Mel, concert at night, Youth Praise in church Sunday morning, MBC Chapel opening Sunday night, Monday night the worship team is meeting to watch a movie and have a birthday party for ME!! ......
I will leave the rest of next week til then. But thankfully no sewage in my drive or cats in my engine! What exciting things are happening with Mum and Dad!!!???

Lindy said...
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