Tuesday, May 15, 2007

No photos yet but someone had to say something:)

Hello, I'm still having trouble with the new photo system so I thought I better get some news up and the photos can come later.
Last fri. Mike was up early to fly to Melb.and Zac and I were up a little later to go to a Mothersday breakfast run by the school,Hannah and other yr 10s were there at 6;30 to prepare lovely muffins and eggbaskets, fresh fruit and scones for us all to enjoy. Its handy having a school that is into hospitality :)
Saturday Zac spent his time making a marble run that Mike recorded and edited into an entertaining dvd( we might put it on U tube) this was his application for the tournament of the minds team. He got 9/10 for it.
Annie had netball in her new body suit, they looked good but lost quit badly and now have a good plea bargain to be moved to a lower grade loosing 74-5 :}.
I had a lovely Mothers day with no responsibilities at church and breakkie in bed then a lovely lunch at the Orienti restaurant with Ian, Jeffory and Joe joining us followed by afternoon tea with Mikes family at Kingston pk. We stayed till the sun set, it was a lovely day which braced us for a tricky Mon. morn.......
Our drains were making bubbly sounds that we have heard before and knew it could lead to trouble so rang the sa water people saying no hurry, then within a few minutes the water levels in the toilets began to rise and outside we saw raw sewage pouring out of our side drain, down the driveway and into the street!! so we called again saying actually it is urgent!! :{ Thankfully they got to the problem when we were just 2 in. away from having other peoples sewage coming up the pipes onto the floors. They also had a rapid response team come and clean the driveway and street. Amazingly the smell didn't get into the house and the kids got to school ok and Mike was able to make his 10 am meeting 'cause his lovely wife drove him into town :)
Hope all of you who got together in Whyalla had a lovely time and you Lebanon mob are keeping well.
Love you all very much.. Kezz xx


Lindy said...

Hi Kez, Good to hear some Hoggie news, though not so nice about the sewage!!. At least they did a quick cleanup job. Glad to hear that you had a nice day on Sunday too. I managed to call Grandma which was lovely. She is still amazingly sharp. The kids came in and were whispering to me, and she commented that she could hear someone whispering, what's going on! Hope to hear from the Whyalla bunch soon. LOL x

John said...

Hi Hoggies, Thanks for the report Kerryn. We had a bit of water around here too, but ours came from above not below, thankfully. 23mls at the farm, enough to get the rest of the seeding done when it dries out a bit. Hope to get going again tomorrow afty. Had a good day in Whyalla. Jeanie came for the trip and was able to buy some new tops for the winter. Had tea out on the SA Ambulance as a Thankyou to the volunteers. As well as a lovely roast meal and dessert the volunteers all got a gift. - Men got a picnic rug and the women a large jug. The builder finally came yesterday and is making some good progress with the repairs to the water damaged area. Love to all.