Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Check out the Church blog

Just a very quick note as it is now twenty to four in the morning!!! If you go to the All Saints' blog there are a few photos of our Youth Retreat which was extremely excellent by the way! And thankfully all stayed calm over the weekend and the kids were back at school today while we got on with work. Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Kerryn said...

Looks like a great camp and a wonderfull time being had, hope the rest of the week is good too!
love kezza xx

Debbie said...

I assuming (and hoping) that you were able to have a late sleep in then!!!

Better go and have a sqizz at the camp then.

Hugs and squeezes.

Debbie said...

Wow, wow, wow, that looks absolutely fantastic. Loved the jeans too Lindy, look very comfy and very stylish (I'll stop before I get to jealousy ;)

I is so hard to believe when looking at these photos that you could possibly be in a country of unrest. It just looks fantastic there. Glad the hear that you enjoyed it. Hope that your spirit was able to have rest and revive as well.

Love to all.