Test run
Just checking to see if we can get this to work. seems to be OK although a bit slow to load. Have a busy week coming up with BAS reports in by thurs. Talking at the Dawn Service on Wed, A funeral at Willowie on Thurs. afternoon as well as keeping an eye on the farm as Darryl has gone to perth for a wedding. Teas ready so better go and get this published Cheers everybody.
It looks like blue is not a good colour to use it lookesd OK in the draft copy. The photo is of the war memorial in KL.
Yes give the dark blue a miss, I guss you will mention the KL memorial in your message on wed morn? Hope you get a relitively quiet weekend after all the other activities.
Love to all
Wow, yes certainly a busy week for you in Orroroo. Hope that you manage to make it through to next weekend ok.
Natalie has a school friend over to play at the moment which is lovely (Stuart is in working at school). I was worried about what I was going to do with Calvin this arvo but was very pleased to hear from the bedroom that he is the daddy, Natalie is the mummy and Amber is their daughter ... so far no screams, so that's always lovely.
Hugs to you all, Debbie.
Well, it looks like all the family is busy and doing well. That is very good to see. We are getting ready for Jessie's birthday tea tomorrow with Tata and Jido, (Thursday is too busy a day) and then John and I head off to Youth Retreat on Friday. We are both really looking forward to that. love to all.
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