Sunday, April 22, 2007

Some pictures of our week away.

For the record this week we went to Orroroo on Tuesday [that is where we received our lovely gifts from Grandma and Grandpa as well as the Masri family, thankyou VERY much. The kids and I also went and looked at the new born lambs with Grandpa and Natalie enjoyed wearing the flower girl dress from mummy and daddies wedding - thanks Jessie].
Then on Wednesday we traveled down to Nanna and Grandpa in Victor (with a stop over at the Morton's on the way) [While with Nanna and Grandpa we enjoyed an excellent trip on the train to Goolwa and back as well as fish and chips down the street. Stuart and I were very thankful to get out on Thursday night to the cinema and see Hot Fuzz].
Friday we traveled to Adelaide where we stayed with the Hogben family [Where Friday night Stuart and I went out for an ode to Isabelle evening and then Saturday we had lunch in Centennial Park before having time at the grave, and then we went to the zoo for the afternoon.
Sunday we woke up jumped in the car and were rather surprised to be home by 2pm!!!
Everything is unpacked and we're feeling rather relaxed (I may even get out to church tonight!).
Those of you who were not with us on Saturday were missed but your thoughts and prayers were appreciated.
Love and hugs, Debbie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb and co,thanks for the photos and a good report of your journey. You have all been in our thoughts and prayers especially for Isabelle's anniversary. Dad went to Laura yesterday to collect food for distribution. We were both involved in the service this morning and we had the Anzac service this afternoon. Both went well. Trust the hols finish well this week. love Mum & Dad.