Calvin went to occasional care today for 2 1/2 hours. Unfortunately the kindy that Natalie went to does not offer OC so we had to look for one that did and we think that we made a pretty good choice (well, Stuart made a good choice if I'm honest! Well done). Calvin seemed to have a good time and there were LOTS of boys to play with. The teacher was pleased with how he went and Calvin was certainly happy (although pretty tired) when we picked him up. Was nice that daddy had a meeting at the district office and so was able to come with me to pick up Calvin, which was a nice surprise for the boy. He even made his own rabbit and got an easter egg to munch on his way home. Now mummy just needs to work out what she is going to do with this bit of space each week!
Hooray, well done Calvin. Glad you had such a good time. We are all very tired and savoring the last night together. Will probably not had time to put anything up tonight but I will try to let you all know after they have gone!! LOL Lindy & Co
Yay Calvin!Kindy is good isnt it.
Deb I used to do my food shopping in that space its always cheaper without kids or dads!:)
See you soon!
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