Tuesday, May 30, 2006

We got mail

Yesterday I received a letter from Rural Solutions, the group we work with as part of our cropping group in Orroroo. I thought the letter would be advising us as to when our next meeting would be held; instead it said, Dear John, Congratulations-- You are one of the winners of a nights accommodation for two at Quality Hotel Tiffins on the Park.
We are to receive A romantic Spa Suite Accommodation including chocolates in the room, a two course a la carte dinner for two with a bottle of wine. What did I do to deserve such a gift?
I simply filled in an evaluation form early in the year. Must confess I had forgotten all about it.
So it looks like a trip to Adelaide sometime before the end of Sept. Looks like your mother will get some chocolates after all.


Kerryn said...

Most exellent, very happy for you two.Dont put too many bubbles in the spa!:)

Lindy said...

Well done you! Glad to hear about a nice surprise for a change. Make the most of your romantic accomodation and spa. You both deserve a treat.(And chocolate!) Enjoy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(I have found filling in comment cards or questionaires is a good way to win things!!)

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!