Monday, May 15, 2006

so much for kitten therapy!

I know we all have those days that didnt go to plan and I'm no exception. :) We have been waiting waiting waiting for the new Tabor uniforms to arrive and I understood they would be in H.Scarfs by today, so, I thought that the kids could have a day off and get fitted out with their new clothes and get some kitten acessories then have lunch with dad and have a lovely day together and wouldent that be nice:)!So they sleep in a little and get the good news when they get up and Annie looks horrified!Noooo I want to go to school! (my friends are there!) ok get dressesd we'll drop you of on the way. Meanwhile Mike looses trak of S.S. and P.P. and eventualy works out that they have mutated into puddles or sand or some squishy form and squeezed under the dish- washer and entoomed themselves under the built in kitchen cupbords!
We left them there to go and have our "nice day"and Zac somehow thought it would be a day where if he winged a lot he would be able to buy lots of things! Not my plan!Then we get to H.S. and the uniforms still arn't there! Now I'm feeling the effects of not being healthy and realy want to go home to rest before picking up Annie and the Evs and coaching Annies b-ball team but we had planned to meet Mike for lunch at 12:30 and he forgot to take his I couldnt tell him to meet us sooner so I could give him his ph and go home...more waiting waiting.We get home and the kittens are not happy about their predicament and verbalise their complaints,so after lugging out numourus draws we find the one under the oven has a little space at the back for the gass pipe and if they 'wanted to' they could get out there! Oh this is taking too long! eventually they came out (only after Isaac was in tears thinking that they had snuffed it!)and we have shoved a folded pillow under the dishwasher(as you do) and now I'm going to bed and Mike (at elders meeting)will have to work out where they are now so he can shut them in the laundry for the night! (I know where they ended up this time, they whent throught the little circle hole in the side of the old kitchen cabinet and snuggled down with the dvds! night night! (ps I pushed spell check and it didnt do anything! so to all you teachers, sorry I tried!)

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I just read this to Jessie and she said, and I quote,"Hee hee, what a story!" That's what I thought too!! Hope tomorrow is better. And good girl Annie, all good children should be in school!!