Sunday, May 14, 2006

Community thought for May

Each month I write a article in the local Goyders Line paper. Will now include it on the blogg so the family will know what we have been thinking.

The other week I went through one of the hardest periods any parent could go through as I watched the pain and suffering of our daughter and son in law as they went through the birth of their precious little daughter only to watch her die in their arms less than three hours later. I could feel their pain and I wanted to take it away from them but I knew I couldn’t, all I could do was walk the journey with them and be by their side when they needed me.

The last six months have been a challenging time for Debbie and Stuart and their extended families as various tests showed that Isabelle had little chance of surviving beyond the first day, but as Debbie and Stuart shared their journey on an Internet Blog Site they were able to draw around them an incredible band of support that spread over seven countries around the world. Although the prayer that many prayed was not answered in the birth of a healthy little girl, the hand of God was felt in many different ways and only time will reveal the blessing that I believe God has for those who were close to Isabelle.

As a father I couldn’t but feel in a very limited way what our Heavenly Father must have felt as he allowed Jesus to go to the cross and take all the pain and suffering of this world upon himself. I am sure God would have wanted to intervene and take away some of the pain that Jesus endured but He knew it was a journey that Jesus had to walk alone. God has given us the great gift of being family, and in families when one member suffers the whole family suffers. As you go through a difficult time and you have family and friends by your side, the burdens can be lightened by the knowledge that others are journeying with you in prayer and practical support.
My prayer is that if you go through a challenging or painful time may you know the comforting prayerful support that we as family have experienced over the last six months.

God bless, John Cozens

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