Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dolphin thearpy

I didnt go to bsf again today instead I went to the beach and walked along side a dolphin for about 1k! He/she spent most of the time only 2m away from the shaw line it was rather special,then I had sms from Jakki in Indo, saying she was thinking and praying for me and that was rather nice.:) Zac auditioned for a semi major roll in the next school musical and is waiting to find out how he went, and Annie wants to go shopping with friends to get a pressie for a boy party next saturday!! Our friend Jo made us very nice soup for tea and the kittens are settling in at last,thou they are still knocking things over and being major time wasters.:) love you all Kerryn. xx


Kerryn said...

I dont know what my fixation with thearpy is at the moment will try to think of better heading next time.:)

Lindy said...

You go with that therapy idea if it helps. I can't help feeling I am missing something with all these cryptic comments!! And what is bsf??

Kerryn said...

Bible study fellowship:)