Monday, May 29, 2006

Debbie turns ???????????????????????????

As you already know we made a trip over to Whyalla with Grandma Jean to help Debbie celebrate her birthday. We all enjoyed the celebration and as the photo shows Debbie got stuck into the chocolate in a big way. The little drama at the shopping centre, the battery decided that it had had enough and refused to workThe RAA were very efficient and we were on our way home in less than half an hour. This is the second time thast we have had battery trouble in Whyalla. Must be something in the air. Grandma Jeanie although a little tired managed the trip very well and was glad that she went.


Lindy said...

Good one Dad. Looks like you had lots of happy people there. I'm so pleased that Grandma was up to making the trip and that she got to see all the Kittos. If only we were close enough for a visit too!!

John said...

The fish are biting well today

Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!