Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What is the correct response when your hero likes your work?!

Yesterday Stuart and I became rather freaked out when we realised that Adrian Plass [YES, THE ADRIAN PLASS] has left a comment on our YouTube video of his drama 'the truth'! He has been without a doubt the biggest spiritual influence in my life in the last year and he liked my work! Eeeeeeep. And not only that, he wants to know if I'm going to make some more. Oh my oh my oh my ...! (slow deep breathing) - we're a bit excited and I just thought that I'd share some with you. Check it out here.

Hope that you are all well. Hope that you had a nice weekend away Hoggies. VERY cute picture of Jeanie, thanks dad. Yes Lindy I can copy and print some CDs (I can print directly on to CDs so I can just scan the CD that dad has and use that image if that would be easiest unless you have the image that you can send).

Love and hugs to all.

1 comment:

Lindy said...

Hee hee it is good to 'see' you so happy and excited. I have been enjoying (and crying over some) your contributions to YouTube. Keep up the excellent work. (And go with the scanning, I guess that is the least hassle! Box labels are on their way :D) TTFN lol xxxx