Have been planning to do an update for some time but seem to get called away on other jobs.
For the last five weeks we have been saying I think the crops will only last for another week without rain. Darryl & I have just come back from a crop inspection on a hot 30 degree day and it looks as if the crops might still last another week without rain. Although the heads are ready to fill with grain and I cant see that happening without more moisture. this crop is up on Sandlands and as you can see is still looking amazingly fresh.
Last week we had a busy week down on the aistrip with 3 planes there at the same time. Fromm's had some friends from Victoria over for a for days. We had a young pilot from MAF stay with us overnight, he was flying a couple of ladies around the state speaking at CWCI meetings (Know Your bible) and we had The Flying Doctor plane come in to pick up a couple of patients. On Sat I was able to go and watch Isaac play soccer, his team won 5-1. they were able to enjoy some cake to celebrate his birthday after the game. Hopefully we will be able to show you some wet country side next time. Was stung by a bee on the way home from the crop inspection, am just waiting to see if I am still allergic to bees. At the moment no reaction, nearly an hour and a half since the sting so am confident I am not going to have a reaction.
We have been praying earnestly for rain from grandpa's crops, but I had the thought that what is happening is a much bigger miracle then rain falling from the clouds! A waterless crop. THAT would be an amazing blessing.
Yay for Isaac.
Glad to hear you're not dead.
Love and Hugs
Hey there! Good to have that update. The crops still look amazingly well!! Hooray!
We have just had another Lebanon day. Jessie and I were just driving home from some shopping with Alistair in Beirut, and arrived home just as the latest explosion rocked our suburb, near the road we just drove home on. Mum and Dad will know this place, just down the road from the Metropolitian Hotel, your landmark Dad! Sadly it seems at least five people have died and many more wounded, though thankfully for us, as far as we are aware, no-one that we know. Will keep you all updated. Off to Tyre tomorrow for the first day of school down there. Lol and tc
Wow Lindy. So glad to hear that God is keeping you safe (even if it is a safe that is just down the road by only a few minutes!)
Hope your trip and school goes well down in Tyre.
Take care - BIG Squeezy hugs and love to you all.
Just been reading about the troubles in lebanon thanks for your update lindy.Receive the CD covers thanks for that. 24 points of rain here in orroroo but only 8 points out on the crop. Is the trips to Tyre still going to be on a regular basis.
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