Monday, September 03, 2007

Meet our new tractor driver

After enjoying a lovely meal at Maggie's yesterday we took Jeanie down to Black Rock to see the new tractor. She was very impressed although it looked very big she thought she could handle it. (just kidding.) We then went for a drive around the crops and despite the hot winds of last week the crops were showing that there is a still a chance of a harvest if only we could get some rain. It gets even more frustrating these days because wheat has reached record prices. So close and yet you feel it might be out of reach for us. Have a good week.


Debbie said...

Great photos. Grandma is so cute! I'm sure the kids will have fun with that when they come over.

A lot of big black clouds blew over house and towards you this morning - I hope something comes of it for you.

Nice to hear that you had a lovely father's day, look forward to seeing you next weekend.

Lindy said...

Hello there. Thanks for the photos. Will save those into the family file I think!!! I had great plans to send you a card or e-mail or SOMETHING yesterday, but Wadih ended up taking the computer to work for recording for the day, so that scuppered that plan! Anyway, you will be pleased to know that your e-mails came through no problem, and I have posted off some of the CD covers to you, and will e-mail Deb the software for the labels, if she can print them and copy the CDs. Mel gives her blessing to that! Cheers and love to all.

Hey Keza, how was Melbourne?? (or are they still there?!)