The kids (and I) were very excited to get a mention this week ON a brotherhood vlog! John Green's vlog to be exact. See, look at it here. If you don't feel like watching John put wacky string on his hair you can go straight to 2:20 and you'll hear him mention Natalie and Calvin.
Did I mention that John is now offically 'Uncle John' to the kids? That kinda happened last weekend and the kids made and very cute video to accept his secret 'uncle-ness'.
Life is pretty much weddings, Youtube, church and kids at the moment. I managed to pull a 'chocolatey' hen's night together on Friday which I think went well. Leonie certainly seemed to have fun.
Saw the images of the bombing in Beirut - very messy. Glad to hear that you are all safe Lindy. Have been keeping an eye out, but haven't heard of any other disturbances. Hope things don't escalate there.
And now I have a wedding to plan and a couple of videos to make and a sick Natalie at home today (cough, fever, sore throat, nausea, achy muscles etc). PLEASE pray that I won't get sick this week - I DON'T have time!
Love and hugs.