Monday, September 24, 2007

John Green talks about OUR kids!

I really should have posted this last week, but better late than never.

The kids (and I) were very excited to get a mention this week ON a brotherhood vlog! John Green's vlog to be exact. See, look at it here. If you don't feel like watching John put wacky string on his hair you can go straight to 2:20 and you'll hear him mention Natalie and Calvin.

Did I mention that John is now offically 'Uncle John' to the kids? That kinda happened last weekend and the kids made and very cute video to accept his secret 'uncle-ness'.

Life is pretty much weddings, Youtube, church and kids at the moment. I managed to pull a 'chocolatey' hen's night together on Friday which I think went well. Leonie certainly seemed to have fun.

Saw the images of the bombing in Beirut - very messy. Glad to hear that you are all safe Lindy. Have been keeping an eye out, but haven't heard of any other disturbances. Hope things don't escalate there.

And now I have a wedding to plan and a couple of videos to make and a sick Natalie at home today (cough, fever, sore throat, nausea, achy muscles etc). PLEASE pray that I won't get sick this week - I DON'T have time!

Love and hugs.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Orroroo News

Have been planning to do an update for some time but seem to get called away on other jobs.
For the last five weeks we have been saying I think the crops will only last for another week without rain. Darryl & I have just come back from a crop inspection on a hot 30 degree day and it looks as if the crops might still last another week without rain. Although the heads are ready to fill with grain and I cant see that happening without more moisture. this crop is up on Sandlands and as you can see is still looking amazingly fresh.
Last week we had a busy week down on the aistrip with 3 planes there at the same time. Fromm's had some friends from Victoria over for a for days. We had a young pilot from MAF stay with us overnight, he was flying a couple of ladies around the state speaking at CWCI meetings (Know Your bible) and we had The Flying Doctor plane come in to pick up a couple of patients. On Sat I was able to go and watch Isaac play soccer, his team won 5-1. they were able to enjoy some cake to celebrate his birthday after the game. Hopefully we will be able to show you some wet country side next time. Was stung by a bee on the way home from the crop inspection, am just waiting to see if I am still allergic to bees. At the moment no reaction, nearly an hour and a half since the sting so am confident I am not going to have a reaction.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Isaac.

Hope that you enjoy this little 'something' that I've put together for you. (Though I can NOT believe that mistake I made - oh well, I hope my error brings you joy).

Love and BIG hugs to you and hope that you have a fantastic day.

You might also like to check it out on Youtube. There is at least one happy birthday message there for you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pictures from the Kittos weekend away

Here is a collection of photos that were taking this last weekend. The lovely tree are from the campsite at Melrose where I went for women's camp (I was responsible for music/worship/technology). Stuart and the kids then collected me and we headed over to Orroroo for the night. Was a lovely little break and we were able to see the new HUGE tractor as well as a kangaroo at Wynflete.

On other news Calvin has decided that I'm to be called "mumma" (he used to call me this when he was really little - it's rather cute). Also, it pays to be family. Here is a link to my latest video that has taken up most of the last few days (I think the lyrics are self explanatory) which the rest of the world won't be seeing until tomorrow.

Love and hugs to all.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


a tower of steak and pizza and well lots of food really along with lots of walking and seeing the sights. Oddly enough we remembered sitting at Maccas over the road and looking at the lovely old building on our last Melb holiday with the kids so I was rather pleased when I found out thats where we were staying:).....I like old buildings ;). Mike managed to stay healthy apart from a little cough while we were away then mon night got the aches and high temp again so has been home all week. Most unusual for him.
Well keep well all Hoggies

Two faces in Melb.

Well here we have our room in the Rialto on Collins st which turned out to be a great location. All the things we wanted to do were close by including the Krispy cream shop. We saw the Jellys in the Aquarium :) and went up 88 floors in Melb newest tallest building, if you pay an extra $12 you can go in a glass bottom room that moves out over the side of the building then back in again!! We saved our $ for a tower of prawn cocktail and more info and photos on the next blog....

Natalie and Calvin have made a movie

Last week Natalie wrote a story (with some ideas from Calvin) and on Saturday we went on location and filmed it. Both Natalie and Calvin supervised the editing and when it was all to their liking I put it up on YouTube to share with you all (click here to watch it now). Hope that you enjoy it, and please rate it if you did.

Sorry for all the weird nerdfighter references. I can see that if you aren't part of the brotherhood 2.0 community none of what I say (or the videos I make) will make any sense. So here I attempt a short explaination:
Two brothers, John and Hank Green, decided to stop texually communicating with each other for all of 2007, instead they post a video every other day to each other and they are quite entertaining. As a result now about 10,000 people watch them each day (including us) and the people who do that are called nerdfighters. Official definition of a nerdfighter is someone who instead of being made up of cells and organs is completely made of awesome. The brothers also have a website which has a forum called 'in my pants' where people can hang out and chat, its own wiki that Stuart has contributed too significantly and its own 'foundation to decrease world suck'. It is considered a nerdfighter's duty to decrease world suck where ever possible. I am now offically a 'secret sibling' to Hank and John - which just means that when they post a video, I post a video as a response (though it doesn't have to be related to what they talk about. Thus the strange videos that you will see over the next few weeks/months (if I stay that motivated). Hank runs an eco-website thing and John Green is an award winning young adult author and has said lots of nice things about our kids and the videos that we have made. Not sure if that has helped or made you more confused, but hopefully that will explain anything weird that you see in upcoming videos.

Until then love and hugs and enjoy the film,

Oooo thunder and rain here dad, hope you get some too.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What is the correct response when your hero likes your work?!

Yesterday Stuart and I became rather freaked out when we realised that Adrian Plass [YES, THE ADRIAN PLASS] has left a comment on our YouTube video of his drama 'the truth'! He has been without a doubt the biggest spiritual influence in my life in the last year and he liked my work! Eeeeeeep. And not only that, he wants to know if I'm going to make some more. Oh my oh my oh my ...! (slow deep breathing) - we're a bit excited and I just thought that I'd share some with you. Check it out here.

Hope that you are all well. Hope that you had a nice weekend away Hoggies. VERY cute picture of Jeanie, thanks dad. Yes Lindy I can copy and print some CDs (I can print directly on to CDs so I can just scan the CD that dad has and use that image if that would be easiest unless you have the image that you can send).

Love and hugs to all.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Meet our new tractor driver

After enjoying a lovely meal at Maggie's yesterday we took Jeanie down to Black Rock to see the new tractor. She was very impressed although it looked very big she thought she could handle it. (just kidding.) We then went for a drive around the crops and despite the hot winds of last week the crops were showing that there is a still a chance of a harvest if only we could get some rain. It gets even more frustrating these days because wheat has reached record prices. So close and yet you feel it might be out of reach for us. Have a good week.