Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Third time lucky

Third time lucky. Here are the photos of our trip with the tractors and a photo of some of the people chatting around after the prayer gathering in the lions park. Unfortunately only three mls of rain out the back on the crops. looking at them today I would say we only have about a week before they will start to die off from lack of moisture. Selling more sheep at jamestown tomorrow and have another mob ready yo go to Dublin on monday. Busy weekend with three services on Sunday.


Kerryn said...

Hello! thinking of you and your busy weekend,hope the sheep went well.Our weekends not too bad,houswarming pty tonight,soccor and bbq lunch for Camile(Evs French student)and no duties on Sun!!Yeh!And everything is booked for Melb next weekend for our 20th :)
Take care all. xxx

John said...

The drought is starting to hit again. Most prices dropped 25/30 dollars on the last Jamestown market. people are getting a bit worried as the dry continues with no good rains forcast in the future. Our ewes made $45.00 would have got $ 70.00 a month ago but fear it will get worse before it gets better. Darryl was talking to the fella who bought them said he woulfd have gone to $58.00 if he had been pushed. The joys of farming.

Lindy said...

That all sounds pretty depressing! :( At least the tractor looks impressive. Hope you have the chance to use it well. How many years of drought has it been now? Too many I know. We are all continuing to do well. Youth Alpha is halfway through and going well and the vicar and a few others from church are starting to trickle back into the country which is nice. Love to all xxxx

Kerryn said...

A trickling of friends!How good does that sound!
Ta for the Season/friendship letter, we all know about people comming and going but you see it the most I expect.
Love ya!