Monday, August 27, 2007

Busy, but still YouTube-ing

Hiya. Things are getting quite busy here now, with getting ready for Father''s day next weekend, Women's camp the weekend after, Pedal Prix the weekend after that Hen/Buck's nights the weekend after that and after that ... is Tony and Leonie's wedding (oh did I mention that I am offically matron of honour now, working 7 days a week on the wedding and loving it!).

I know I mentioned previously that we have been getting pretty into Brotherhood 2.0 (two brothers in America who don't textually communicate but rather send each other video blods every day) and I am very excited that the brothers have one of my (MY!) video's as a favourite on their page (smiling so much my cheeks hurt). So because of all the new traffic that I'm getting I've been busy putting up most of my other productions (including Uncle Trev's memorial). You can check out what I've stuck up at our YouTube page. My video for John Green's birthday (one of the brother's) received over 100 hits in the first day, and if you are looking at it, check out the comment from John himself - Eeeeeeeeeep, I'm so happy!

Pictures are always good, so here is one I took last week when Whyalla was swallowed up by a cloud and the cob weds in our neighbour's yard were frozen!

Anyway, before all this fame goes to my head I should go and play Bob the builder with Calvin (I think I'm Wendy).
Stay safe, Love and hugs to you all.

1 comment:

Kerryn said...

Hi Deb& fam,thanks for the and comment on youtube. Did have a good day but of course most of the goodness will be when Mike is back and we have our weekend away and I realy must get some photos to blog.
Well done on the Brotherhood 2 mention as well ;)
Keep safe and Happy
Kezz xxx