Hi all. Been aaaaaaages, but we are still here. Decided to break two traditions this year. Despite the fact that we have not missed a single Adelaide show since the kids were around we will not be going this year. Instead, despite the fact that we have managed not to attend a single Whyalla show since moving here, we took the kids along to the show yesterday. Was not as bad as I thought, and it was really lovely to see Calvin's yellow star that he had made at kindy (Occasional Care) on display in the education pavilion. We had decided that the kids could pick one ride each and a show bag, and they both really enjoyed the 'little ferris wheel' and the 'mini rollercoaster' but when it came to the show bags we just couldn't bring ourselves to wasting money on cheap and nasty toys. So we took a trip to Target instead! And now Calvin has a Batman costume, which is great for Natalie because now she can have a turn at being Supergirl. [We may have also picked up singstar 90's for the grownups - Oh my goodness, it is BRILLIANT!]
Anyway, I finally have some photos so I thought it was a good time to post. (The jumping ones were taken down the beach last weekend. Thought they were funny given my own experience of jumping off things, superhero style, at the beach, No kid was harmed in the making of these photos).
Hope that you are all doing well. Love and hugs.
Hello there! great news and photos.
Glad you enjoyed the show and were able to support the locals:)
We hired the 90s SStar for a sstar party last weekend and I havent been able to get "wannabe" out of my head "ahhhhhhh!"
Enjoyed a quick visit from M&D and Annie is 40hr fammining at the moment.Of to church now, love you all take care.xxx:)
Lovely to see your latest pics of the kids. Can't really see Calvin, but I am realizing how much Natalie is growing up.
We are all well and enjoying summer. The kids still have five more weeks before school starts!!! Seems like a very long time to me, but we are happy. I am busy with Youth Alpha three times a week at the mo, but really enjoying that too! Love to all
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