Monday, August 20, 2007

Goodbye to the old , welcome to the new

For the last two days i have been trying to create a new blog and as soon as i try to add some pictures I loose my internet connection and then get frustrated for the next couple of hours as I try to reconnect. So here goes without the photos

Last friday morning we loaded the 4640 onto Neil Byerlee's Semi and headed to Roseworthy to pay and pick up our new tractor. Darryl and I had to go ahead in the Ute with flashing lights and "Oversize load" but we had a good run there and back with no problems. We are waiting for the new cultivator and Seed cart to come from Western Aust. to complete the deal. may have to wait a few weeks as the carriers are busy with Field days at present. Had 20 points of rain last week which freshened up the crops a bit but still need that good soaking rain. On sunday afternoon I had to organize a Combined churches Prayer gathering down at the Lions park Had over 60 people turn up a couple of hick ups with the music but apart from that it went well.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Shame about your internet. Hope to see your pictures soon. All sound exciting. Glad that you had some rain but will of course be praying for more. Natalie often prays in the morning "please give grandpa rain for his crops".

Take care, love and hugs