Hello all. You will all be tucked up safe in bed at the moment, (or if you aren't you should be!!), and I love that thought for some reason.
My goodness Kez, what a day you had. We had a very nice day with the kids in school, Wadih at work somewhere, and I had a training day at the orphanage. Very interesting stuff, not that I use the subjects they were talking about (self-esteem, listening to children and sex education) in regard to sponsorship, but it is useful stuff all the same, particularly when I think about John and Jess.
Dad, I can't believe you didn't know we had a cat. We have had her since last autumn, (that's November for you) and I was sure I had sent a photo of Bella (that's the cat) and Jessie before now. Jessie took enough.
I am off to Tyre again tomorrow for another day of teaching lovely little boys. Not sure why I ended up with only boys, but I was so excited last week, as one of the Grade One boys actually GOT IT. Something clicked in his little brain and he started to read, after five months!! That's what makes it all worthwhile, that and the coffee with Annette after school:) Well, I have things to do beside sitting on the computer for hours on end checking blogs, which is what happens quite a lot these days I might add.
Okay I just uploaded a weird photo of John and Jessie with Khalto Rahme, Doha's sister. The things on the kids heads were made by Rahme's maid from plastic bags, 7-Up bottles and straws, just for the fun of it!! Hope it makes you smile.
Lots of love to you all.