Friday, February 02, 2007

impakt camp at victor

oh i forgot to add in the last week i went on a youth camp to victor. It was realy fun and we did heaps of things! On the first night though we had to eat horrible food to get points for our team like veggimite and chilli sause mixed together and cat food, duck liver,pickled something with nerds and heaps more. Lucky after that we had chocolate sause and ice cream! We went surfing down at middleton and i stood up 3 times YAY. We had fried mars bars which were realy nice but very very sweet. We went on a scavenger hunt on the last day and ran around the main streets of victor. Some of the things we had to do were ask a person with a yellow hat what there middle name was and find how much doughnuts were. One of the challenges was to race to granite island and back but we ended up jogging(it was to hard to run on the tracks lol). Over all it was a pretty good camp!

♥ annie

1 comment:

John said...

Sounds like our family are having quite an impact on Victor and Victor on our family. Hope it's all good impact. Good to hear that your camp was such good fun and that you were able to try some new food tastes. Guess you will be wanting to go surfing every weekend from now on. Have a good week. Au revoir!!!