Monday, February 19, 2007


Well after weeks of planning and sleep less nights the Drought Breaker event has come and gone.
And it surpassed all our expectations with over 200 people there on the night, enjoying a great meal, free drinks and a few gift surprises. There were bouncy castles for the kids along with a face painter who worked non stop for 3 hours. The fireworks were really topclass and all were amazed that such a good display could be put on in Orroroo. Having trouble loading other pictures will post this and hopefully get more photos on another page


Anonymous said...

Only one wasn't sure if they would come out will put it on later. Rain around the district today not sure how much we had but hoopefully some Jim Kueschner had 70 points atthis place. thunderstorms so they are very patchy Dad

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!!Put a smile on my face and a tear in my eye :)Was thinking and praying for you so much. Glad it all went so well. I will talk about it in church to let people know what some of the drought $ has gone towards.
Now you can catch you breath for one minut before you need to race around again to get ready for your trip ey?!!!
Love you all. Kezza.
PS Seeing Merice on thurs.