Sunday, February 25, 2007


It's Sunday lunch time and I have just got home from the Hospital and the Drs AGAIN! This morning I started feeling 'uncomfortable' again and that soon turned into 'very uncomfortable' and blood back in my wee again!!! Ahhhhh. So Stuart dropped me up at the hospital and the nurse I got tested my wee, said 'You've got an infection. I CAN'T believe they sent you home without antibiotics. Go to the Drs'. So I went and sat at the Drs for an hour or so and I've got drugs and should feel normal in about 6 hours. The Dr I saw also said, 'I can't believe they sent you home from the hospital without antibiotics'. So I'm also starting to think "Waaa. I went through all that and I could have just had drugs!" Oh well, nice to know that the answer is simple.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Adventures for the week!

Well, there aren't really that many, but they did happen this week.

First of all on Thursday as I was driving down south, I got about 10mins away from Tyre and touched the brakes. That's when I heard the clunk and suddenly realized that I had no brakes!!! Fortunately I was on a flat bit of the highway and there was nothing directly in front of me. I managed to change down the gears and coast until I was going slowly enough to use the emergency brake. Nig was great and sent one of the guys from school straight out to get me and we managed to drive the car into the city and directly to a mechanic. When they dropped it of at school later that day, the guy told me I was so lucky to have been able to stop as the entire brake calipers had fallen away!!! Anyway they managed to fix every thing and it only cost about AUS$45. We are seriously praying for this car to turn into a blessing and not a curse!!! I don't think that I told you about the other 800 odd USdollars we had to pay a month or so ago to replace AGAIN the entire automatic transmission that had gone for a second time, but of course only after the guarentee for the other one had expired. Ah well, that's life sometimes isn't it.

Anyway, my other fun adventure was tonight, (that is why I am writing at twenty to two in the morning), but this one really was fun, mostly..?! I've been filming a video clip for a local Christian Arabic singer. That that in itself could be fun but you will never guess what they had me doing in this clip..........................................................???????????????????

PLAYING VIOLIN!!! You didn't know I was that talented did you. Well you know television, it's all a lie, lies I tell you. We got a bunch of friends from church to mime playing violin, trumpet and flute. (Actually the trumpetist and the flutist do actually know how to play their instruments, even though we couldn't hear them.) So I got a free lesson in how to hold my violin and bow and I managed to make some half decent noise.

So thats us for now. Love to all. Hope Natalie and Calvins cuts and scrapes are healing well.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

We went to the snow!

I know, it has been ages since I posted anything, but life has a way of sneaking past while your back is turned. Thought you might like to see some pics of the kids in the snow today. It is their last day of mid term so we just went for an hour or so this afternoon to have a play!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More flood photos

These photos were taken out at Salt Creek. First time I have ever seen it in flood. Gauges varied from 28 to 31 mls in the 3 gauges out the back. Only had to stand up about 40 metres of fence that had been washed over by the water. We were lucky considering the amount of water that went across the plan. Nothing ran into the lagoon this time. Afew thunder clouds building up again. You never know there may be more photos tomorrow.


Late yesterday working in the office and heard there had been a bit of a storm at Black Rock. Thought we would go and have a look this is what we found.
Not a drop of rain in the gauge at Black Rock but they measured 212 points at Balck Rock. Top photo is looking south, at the shearing shed and from the crossing.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Fireworks photo

The rockets were the same as they use at the Adelaide show . Just not as many. A lot of comments from people who didn't come to the event still saw the display from the houses as they were so high.

More DB photos

The general view of the gym is a bit dark but hopefully gives you some idea of the setout. The bigger bouncy castle proved popular with the big kids but having the two, it meant the little kids could have a go in there own space and not be hurt by the big kids.


Well after weeks of planning and sleep less nights the Drought Breaker event has come and gone.
And it surpassed all our expectations with over 200 people there on the night, enjoying a great meal, free drinks and a few gift surprises. There were bouncy castles for the kids along with a face painter who worked non stop for 3 hours. The fireworks were really topclass and all were amazed that such a good display could be put on in Orroroo. Having trouble loading other pictures will post this and hopefully get more photos on another page

Friday, February 02, 2007

impakt camp at victor

oh i forgot to add in the last week i went on a youth camp to victor. It was realy fun and we did heaps of things! On the first night though we had to eat horrible food to get points for our team like veggimite and chilli sause mixed together and cat food, duck liver,pickled something with nerds and heaps more. Lucky after that we had chocolate sause and ice cream! We went surfing down at middleton and i stood up 3 times YAY. We had fried mars bars which were realy nice but very very sweet. We went on a scavenger hunt on the last day and ran around the main streets of victor. Some of the things we had to do were ask a person with a yellow hat what there middle name was and find how much doughnuts were. One of the challenges was to race to granite island and back but we ended up jogging(it was to hard to run on the tracks lol). Over all it was a pretty good camp!

♥ annie

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Hey everyone! Schools back and im in yr 8 as you all probably know. my teachers Mr. Dabrow who got marryed last month. He's a good but sometimes strict teacher and is a great sport teacher. Im doing heaps of subjects like french and tech and many others. Thank you soooooo much my little cuties for your lovely drawing and debbie make sure you check your mail.....Hope your all having a good time and enjoying the summer when its not too hot. My post is not long this time but im keeping up the colours!

♥ annie