Hopoefully we have the new blogger set up so we can go straight in. We took the service in the UCA at Peterboroughthis morning, good service and had time with some of the ex baptist folk over a cuppa tea. We were still able to get back and spend time with the Orroroo people. Rang Lindy last time all is going well the winter is starting to set in with snow on the higher ground Light snow where they live last week but melted in the rain. Have a trip to Adelaide on Tues, driving Cynthia Ploenges and Les Cottrell down to Enfield so they can attend a funeral then off to Laura to have the car serviced on Wed. will go to Pirie for the day in a borrowed car while they do the service. Photo of the Bundaleer Reserviour between Jamestown and Spalding They have just cut down all the Pine trees around so first time in years that you have been able to see the reserviour from the road. Have a good week.
Thanks for the update Dad. Good to talk to you both. We are looking into the possibility of borrowing a neighbours flat for you guys to stay in while you are here as this one is quite tiny. What do you think?? It is a 2 minute walk from us!
Lindy, that should be OK with us if it is that close. I take it the White's hous is no longer an option.
Another friend has taken over the Whites house for the next six months. This other one is the same house that I was looking after in the war and following. It is big enough that we could all stay there together if you like, but I figured you might like some space!! It is also easier for the kids with the school bus to not move from this area.
Lindy, we agree that it is better not to upset the kids routine. We are happy to have the space to recharge the batteries and BLOG out. Unable to open your Email and still having trouble signing in for comments. Will not accept password and have sign in on Google account every time.
You should only be using the Google account now. You shouldn't need the old one for anything. Unfortunately, Blogger isn't letting us upgrade the blog to New Blogger yet, which is why it is asking for the Google account when you go to leave comments. Sorry things aren't as smooth as we would have hoped.
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