This afternoon we took Jeannie for a drive up to carrieton to look at some of the damage to the hawker road at the Januarrie Creek The photos don't fully show the power of the water and the massive pieces of concrete and build up of gravel on the road. There is also dozens of huge tree trunks that had been ripped out of the ground. They say it will cost over 2 million to repair. We also went down to have a look at the lagoon at Black rock and were pleased to see two black swans swimming on the water. trust you all have a good week. Very nice to see the country side greening up, all we need now is for the rains to keep coming.
yes the photos never look as good as the real thing. The road that was left had moved about 1 metre off line. Jeannie really enjoyed her day and was pleased to see the water in the Lagoon. Along with the 2 swans there were about 250 ducks of all shapes and sizes.
Hello hello. We are back on line of sorts. It is still not very reliable and there is no guarentee this will work but there you go. I am actually having a sickie today with a nasty fluey thing. I feel like there is concrete in my lungs so that is not very pleasant. The kids have got no school again today and tomorrow so they are being very helpful and looking after me! Hope to write about our adventures soon. Love to you all.
Ohhh that is no good Lindy, though I am very glad to see that the internet let you get on line for even a moment. Really hope that you are feeling much better very quickly. Love and hugs to you, Debbie.
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