Tuesday, January 23, 2007

At last

This has been the holidays with lots of beach and pools at friends houses. It will definately be remembered as the swimming holiday, as I write Annie is packing swimming gear to go on church youth camp at Victor wich includes surfing lessons at Middleton. Mike is working elsewhere so Zac and I will have some nice times together
starting tonight with the Charlots web movie that I promised to take the younger s,school kids to. We are also picking up Mike & mine new bike tomorrow(our christmas pressie & Mikes bday pressie ) and some time Isaac will take me out for coffee with the $ he got for his holiday job of watering pots for two weeks so there you have some of our news. Hope you are all well (Debbie!)
and safe. Lots of love ,Hoggies. xxxxxxxxx


Kerryn said...

P.S. Did you see the commet? we had a great but cool view at the beach the othernight.Look out for it if you can.

John said...

Good to catch up with some of your holiday activities. Great sunset photo. We got to see the comet last night went to tank Hill good very clear view from there. Makes Halley's comet look a bit of a fizzer.
We have a couple of days crutching and it is good to see all the new growth around the district.