So I finaly sorted out the pasword bisso and signed up to the new blogg too. The sunset photo we took on our way home from Orroroo and the creamfight photo and others are self explanitary.We've had lovely holiday times with Mike around but he is back to work next week :(. Having breakfast at the market was one of the nice things, fireworks and swimming on New years eve was good too! I think new photos are still on the camera so more to come.
Glad you has a good b,day Dad and hope all others are keeping well. John and Jessie hope going back to school is good! :) Take care all. Love Kezza xx
Hi from the Masri's. John says "Homework was a disaster but school is better than ever, cause they have computers." (He just found out he has 21 days until his first mid year exams!! He is very calm about it all so Mum is trying to be as well. ) Jessie says "School is good. I hope you can come to visit Lebanon soon." (When I reminded them that Grandma and Grandpa were coming soon there was a VERY loud YEEEEHAH!!!) Love to all.
Having trouble blog is not accepting our password. Having to sign in anew every time bit frustrating. Good photos especially the sunset TV weather potential. Preaching in Peterborough tomorrow. have a good week will see if we can send a blog tomorrow
Don't forget that your username is now your email address. When blogger actually lets us move this blog over, it will be a bit easier, because there will be a "Create a Post" button on this page, so we won't need to go to the blogger page to sign in.
It seems to be working OK now so I guess there is no reason why the change can't be made.
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