Monday, January 29, 2007
Natalie's first day of school for the year went really well today. Apparently she especially liked the painting, and she made a new friend called Grace as well as seeing her friends from last year. So that was good. (I also wanted to remind people to check the AllSaints Beirut Blog in the links - there are quite a few pictures of the kids there.)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
More flood photos

This afternoon we took Jeannie for a drive up to carrieton to look at some of the damage to the hawker road at the Januarrie Creek The photos don't fully show the power of the water and the massive pieces of concrete and build up of gravel on the road. There is also dozens of huge tree trunks that had been ripped out of the ground. They say it will cost over 2 million to repair. We also went down to have a look at the lagoon at Black rock and were pleased to see two black swans swimming on the water. trust you all have a good week. Very nice to see the country side greening up, all we need now is for the rains to keep coming.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
At last

This has been the holidays

starting tonight with the Charlots web movie that I promised to take the younger s,school kids to. We are also picking up Mike & mine new bike tomorrow(our christmas pressie & Mikes bday pressie ) and some time Isaac will take me out for coffee with the $ he got for his holiday job of watering pots for two weeks so there you have some of our news. Hope you are all well (Debbie!)
and safe. Lots of love ,Hoggies. xxxxxxxxx
Saturday, January 20, 2007

At 10,00 am this morning we topped 100mls of rain (4 ins in old scale) Another night of steady rain 51 mls mainly in the last 6 hours. I think our puddles are a bit bigger than yours in Whyalla. We took these photos this morning. the top one is at the driveway at Black Rock even washed down the neighbours kids. the gate into brooks across the plain which had a good covering of water over most of it. The other photo is at the turnoff at the main road. The road to hawker is closed and the pekina creek is running and the reservoir is filling. B O M are saying there is still more rain to come.
Friday, January 19, 2007

We have had one of the best soaking rains in years. Started raining at 4 am on Thurs. and fairly consistant for the next 27 hours. 49 mls here in Orroroo down at the farm 44 at the shearing shed, 48 at brookes, 50 at haynes and 55 at Acklands. It has started raining again with another 5 mls so far with more heavy rain predicted for tonight. This is what the roadway into the shearing shed looks like.
Hopefully the start of a good year. Will start a lot of feed out in the back paddocks. Will post an update on rainfall tommorrow
Monday, January 15, 2007
Calvins Card
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Calvin!!!XXXXXXXXXXXX
Happy Birthday to Calvin, Happy Birthday to Calvin, Happy Birthday to Calviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin! Happy Birthday to Calvin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just wanted to say ...........Happy Birthday Calvin.
Jessie is making a birthday card for you Calvin but it is not quite done yet and we need to go out for a while. So you will see your card later. Hope you have a lovely day and lots of fun with Mummy, Daddy, Natalie and I guess maybe some friends too! We love you very, very much. Aunty Lindy, Uncle Wadih, John and Jessie. xo xo xo xo
Just wanted to say ...........Happy Birthday Calvin.
Jessie is making a birthday card for you Calvin but it is not quite done yet and we need to go out for a while. So you will see your card later. Hope you have a lovely day and lots of fun with Mummy, Daddy, Natalie and I guess maybe some friends too! We love you very, very much. Aunty Lindy, Uncle Wadih, John and Jessie. xo xo xo xo
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
What we've been doing while Mummy is away
Natalie: Hayden came over to visit me. We played princesses and doctors and kings. We had fun with the doctors toys. Then we did Mr Potato Head. That's all there is. Bye.
Stuart: Debbie left just after 7am this morning to go down to Adelaide to stay with a friend. (The friend moved down just before Christmas, and her husband has just gone on a mission trip to the Philippines, and after being broken into on the weekend, she isn't coping too well.) Debbie took Calvin, to help celebrate Bradley's birthday. The plan is that she will stay overnight and return by lunchtime tomorrow.
Stuart: Debbie left just after 7am this morning to go down to Adelaide to stay with a friend. (The friend moved down just before Christmas, and her husband has just gone on a mission trip to the Philippines, and after being broken into on the weekend, she isn't coping too well.) Debbie took Calvin, to help celebrate Bradley's birthday. The plan is that she will stay overnight and return by lunchtime tomorrow.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Preaching day in Peterborough

Hopoefully we have the new blogger set up so we can go straight in. We took the service in the UCA at Peterboroughthis morning, good service and had time with some of the ex baptist folk over a cuppa tea. We were still able to get back and spend time with the Orroroo people. Rang Lindy last time all is going well the winter is starting to set in with snow on the higher ground Light snow where they live last week but melted in the rain. Have a trip to Adelaide on Tues, driving Cynthia Ploenges and Les Cottrell down to Enfield so they can attend a funeral then off to Laura to have the car serviced on Wed. will go to Pirie for the day in a borrowed car while they do the service. Photo of the Bundaleer Reserviour between Jamestown and Spalding They have just cut down all the Pine trees around so first time in years that you have been able to see the reserviour from the road. Have a good week.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
At last

So I finaly sorted out the pasword bisso and signed up to the new blogg too. The sunset photo we took on our way home from Orroroo and the creamfight photo and others are self explanitary.We've had lovely holiday times with Mike around but he is back to work next week :(. Having breakfast at the market was one of the nice things, fireworks and swimming on New years eve was good too! I think new photos are still on the camera so more to come.
Glad you has a good b,day Dad and hope all others are keeping well. John and Jessie hope going back to school is good! :) Take care all. Love Kezza xx
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Its been a good day

Thanks for all the blog cards and best wishes. IT has been a hot but good day. We upgraded to a new Next G mobile phone that will enable us to make calls while we are overseas and I guess overseas from here if we have too. The orange bean is a little massage machine. The Chiropractor said my neck muscles were very tight and some massages should help. time will tell how good it is. First go is very promising.
Mainly for Lindy's benefit we went to Clare for some shopping and lunch at the pub and called in at Jamestown on the way home to put in your cheque for #300.00 from the Lighthouse church and to give them your Tax File number. We then picked up Grandma Jeanie and went to Maggie's for a Coffee. The big question is "WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME WHEN I'AM 64"
I think we can say we have upgraded to the new blog.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!

Happy Birthday Grandpa/Dad/John!!!
We Love You Very Much
Jessie had great fun creating this card for you Grandpa. It is all her own creation, a graphic artist in the making if you ask me. We are hoping you have a lovely day with some special treats along the way. ANNNND, Happy New Year to you all as well. I have had no internet connection for the past 6 days so it is a bit late. We have had a manically busy holiday but it has been lovely! Lots of friends and fun (and food, but we are getting over that!) and now it is back to school tomorrow for the kids and I am down in Tyre for the day. Lots of love to all!!!!!!!!!
(By the way, Stu, I have already changed over Blogger!)
Monday, January 01, 2007
Migrating to New Blogger
You will have noticed (when you log in) that you sometimes have the option of upgrading to New Blogger. (It doesn't appear everytime, because Blogger is staggering the migration.) It would be good if everyone can do this when they get a chance, because if I move the Blog over before people upgrade, then they won't be able to access the blog. I'd like to make this upgrade later in the week, so if you see the option to Switch - please take it up. Happy New Year, btw. (That answer your question Kerryn? If you look in Blogger Help, there is a section on "My password wasn't sent to me when I forgot my password.")
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