Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas So Far

Happy Christmas everyone!!!!!
Well, it has been a busy weekend but a good one. The concert went really well Sunday night and apparently we are famous now!! : ) We had a nice evening with Wadih's family at Graces house and then I went to our Midnight Mass service for the first time. It was really lovely, communion by candlelight. Unfortunately, Wadih's van wouldn't start so I had to leave a bit early to go rescue him and the kids and it was about 1:45am before we all got home. Christmas morning was a very family friendly church service, with stories and pass the parcel!! (See the church blog allsaintsbeirut.blogspot.com) Then we went to Nigel and Annettes for Christmas lunch with 22 of us. That was lovely fun and the kids slept over. So now Wadih has gone off to some work!!!!! Yay! and I need to go get the kids. We have a party at 4pm and another one at 7:30pm, but that one is minus the kids so they will sleep over at Tata and Jido's. (That's Adel and Doha) Looking forward to talking to you all tonight. Lots of love.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Merry Christmas my lovelys!
i have nothing else to do so i thought i would share my thoughts with you lovely people who i know!hmmm hmmm hmmh mmmmh mmm hmmm mmhmm well write now im humming along to a song called be my escape hmm hmmmmh hmhm hmmm hhmmmm(thanks to Debbie Stuart Natalie and Calvin!!!!♥)(i hadnt heard of relient k b4:S) hmm hmmh mhhmmmh mmh hmmmh mmm<"and ive been locked inside that house while you hold the key">hmm hmmh mhmmh mhmmhmhm <"i......... got to get out of here... and i'm beging you im beging you to be my escape">hmmmh mhmmh mmhmm oh well enough of that ummm there isnt much to say hmmm.......... i love listening to music hmm hmmh mmhmm ok thank you if you have kept on reading because i dont mind if you stop now because i'm just writing everything that gose though my head laal lla la llalalalalal alal lala now im listening to running by evermore <"running...... running....... running... runnning......................"> <"you dont need a broken heart to know know a heart can be broken..... you just need to open your eyes...."> woaahhh woaaah woooah woaah woooooooooaaaaaaaah( arent i just a great singer!!!!!lol) RAchel slept over last night after she had been to the basketball and the 36ers lost so i think there out forever im not sure :S!!!!! hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm <"cry to my daddy on the telephone hoe long now">hmhmmhmhm<"THE SAINT ARE COMMIN THE SAINTS ARE COMMING">(((new song by the way you can probably guess))) <"and the magnolia trees... child on a roof top mother on her knees please.....please..."> hmmh mhmhm mhmmmhm mmhmm mhmhm hmmm hmm ohhhhh the playlists over oh well thats probabaly best because i could be going on forever!!!!!ooo dads cleaning the windows....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
hmmmm im going to eat an apple <><><><><><><><><><><><>>>><><><>its a big red apple oh and dont expect me to be writing for awhile because this is mabye 3 or 4 days worth of blog writing! ok ok now i'm completly blank theres nothing else in my mind just the cruning sound of me eat an apple and i dont think you need to hear about that because it would just take up another 2 pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so im leaving now
♥ annie

Our Christingle Makers!!

Okay here is a Christingle. If you are wondering about the story behind the Christingle, it originates in 18th century Europe. Four poor children wanted to bring a gift to go under the church Christmas tree. All they had between them was an orange, a red ribbon, four smooth sticks and 8 sweets. They combined them to make a Christingle and took it along to church. When the local children saw it they laughed at the poor gift, but the vicar took the Christingle and told a story. "The orange is round like the world God created, the red ribbon reminds us of Jesus and the blood that He shed for our sins, the four sticks represent the four seasons and the fruits that we get are shown by the sweets. There is just one thing missing." He took a candle and added it to the top of the orange. "The candle represents Jesus, the light of the world." That, is a Christingle.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mary comes to town.

Last night was the annual pageant night up the street and Natalie got to be Mary in the float that Lynne Gibb arranged on behalf of our church. As you can see it came together very well. They used props that Di Scott had used as part of her lights display a few years ago. The Ambulance crew thought it would be a good idea to display the changes in uniform over the years hence the line up of different coloured uniforms. It was a good night although the numbers were down a bit on some years.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shopkeeper for a Day

Yesterday we had a small truck and a 4 wheel drive with trailer arrive with about a tonne of goods from City Baptist churches for us to distribute to people in our community.
This afternoon we set up in the town hall and by 4.30 we had handed out 21 food packs that we had put together. reckon we have about 50 to go. hope to hand them out before Christmas eve.
The packs in the back of the Ute had been put together by people in Adelaide and contained mainly over the counter pharmacy goods plus a few others things like Tee shirts hats and film. We received 50 of them. As well as leaving stuff with us they dropped off goods at Clare, Laura and the bulk of it is going to Hawker and beyond. They are predicting heavy rains tomorrow so the team could have a few exciting stories to tell when they get back.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

HeY AgAIn!!!

Hello again
Sorry but im not very good at writing on the blog everyday but i will try and keep you up to date with my holidays. I went to my friends party on saturday and that was great fun because and made friends with her neighbours who are very nice. I slept over her house but we didnt do much after that. Today i went to marion with my friends and we were going to see a movie but there was nothing on so we went bowling and tried on lots of clothes. Ummm i cant htink of anything else to say so merry christmas and i might write soon!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Crazy Hair Day

No this is not John's usual style for going to school but today they have Crazy Hair Day as the beginning of a week of silliness before the Christmas Holidays. Tomorrow is Pajama Day, then a bake sale Wed, Red Day on Thursday and then Friday, Christmas Party last lesson.

We had a great Carol Service last night and were able to meet in the church building. First time for a few weeks so that was pleasant. Not quite the usual numbers of 250 but still well over 150 I would guess. And for once, everything worked, the power point was fine, the playback worked, the readers did well (John was one!!), the singers sounded wonderful (I was one!!, but everyone else said we sounded wonderful so it's okay!), the food was enough and quite tasty, nobody had too much of the mulled wine! ; ) All in all it was a roaring success.

Just two more things to get through and then we can enjoy Christmas! We have a Crib and Christingle service Saturday and then Sunday evening our choir is having our concert which will be televised live for Christmas Eve. What fun!! There is nothing worse that cameramen all over the place when you are trying to do your thing!

Okay, Cheery bye for now.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hello, Hello

Well I am finally back online with access to the blog so I thought I had better write something. We are madly getting ready for the onslaught of Christmas events coming up. I have nearly finished baking my second lot of 100 mince pies, (the last tray is in the oven as I write, hooray!) I've discovered that I quite enjoy baking which is a good thing as I also did a hundred or so sugar cookies and ginger snaps. These are all for our Carols by Candlelight service this sunday afternoon. We are working on the presumption that all will be calm and quiet and we will be able to get to church without any problems. The kids have both been quite sick this week. There is a very nasty flu bug going around and though they have been back at school for a couple of days now, Jessie still has a horrible sounding cough!

Kerryn you have said in the past that you want to see a picture of me smiling. I was in a good mood the other morning so here is a picture of me. Yes Michael, that is a smile!

Hey Debbie, maybe you could add this to my profile for me. I tried it once before without much luck :>

Much love to you all. Take care of yourselves

Thursday, December 14, 2006


ok stuart, I will try to write everyday but there is nothing to write about! Ummmm..... let me see. My friend lucy is here with me and were going to marion with some friends (aka, lots of boys)lol! We dont know what were doing yet but i need to get a prezzie for my friend shazza because its her birthday party this saturday! There isnt anything else to say so good bye!


ok stuart,
I will try to write everyday but there is nothing to write about!
Ummmm..... let me see. My friend lucy is here with me and were going to marion with some friends (aka, lots of boys)lol! We dont know what were doing yet but i need to get a prezzie for my friend shazza because its her birthday party this saturday! There isnt anything else to say so good bye

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Need some more blog action, I think

I reckon that Annie and Isaac should keep the rest of us informed about how Hip and Happening kids spend their holidays. So here is a challenge for you: Seven blog entries each week. Could be something funny, something interesting, something odd your parents did, or even something like a diary. How does that sound? Are you up to the challenge?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

What do you think?

We have been off the air again for over a day so unable to check on what has been happening. On Friday your mother went for a hair style and colour. How do you like the results.
This morning was Desley's last service with us. The carriers are loading her furniture this afternoon. Jan & Gus provided a Barbecue lunch which we had at our place for Desley, Dawn & Lawrence, Bryan & Bev joined us. (Had it here to make it easier for Desley to be here for the carriers.) Had a good service lead by the men of the church which was well received. Off to Port Pirie for a ministers gathering tomorrow before a barbecue tea out at Fromm's for the Ambulance crew and families.