hello this is annie!theres nothing much to say but hello right now im listening to funky music from frootyloops which is a kewl program that helps you to make music!my friend ellen is comming ova 2nite and were going to make smores!the kittens are doing good and growing fast!ive been winning most of my basketball games lately.last monday we won 30 to 6 YAY GO US!because i wrote this in my own time i expect lots ofs comments from those who read it!lol!speaking of lol wat do people mean when they say it do they mean Laugh Out Loud or do they mean Lots Of Love????thats some thing i dont think ill eva no.while im writing this i may as well say some words of wisdom.these words are not very wise but they will do....................."never knock on deaths door!..........ring the door bell and run!!!!he hates that!hehehehehe im sooooooooooooooooooo bored thats y im typeing this long useless paragraph.well its realy a bit longer than a paragraph.team impakt came to our skewl ans blew up hotwater botles and riped fone books in half!then one of the guys asked 2 of my friends to hold on to either side of a metal pole and he lifted them up ovea his head!!!!so thats how ive been lately!!!!!!!!!cya XoXoXoX to my friends and family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P.S i can spell but choose not to(oh and smores are american sweet snacks that are made from biscuts marshmellows and chocolate melted!)
we have no idea why the photo is there 5 times. Sorry about that!Its Steph F eating a smore.
When will Americans make a snack called smless?
It's very clever to take five photos exactly the same. I thought I had to find the one that was different.
I'm glad you told us you know how to spell otherwise I might have lost a whole night's sleep. Grandma C.
Yum, we love smores!! We made them round the camp fire on the youth group camp. Americans are good for a few things :) (It's okay, I have lots of american friends really)
And, if I ever come across deaths door, I will try to remember your words of wisdom, and run away!!
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