Monday, June 12, 2006


Wow, finally I have time to sit and tell you about ..... life! It has been a busy, busy weekend but a very pleasant one. Let me think, how far back do I go? Friday will do. The morning was spent manically cleaning my house. With camps and being sick it had been quite a while since it had been done properly and I had got to the point where I decided I needed to pay someone to come for a couple of hours to help me out. This didn't work out but it did motivate me to move all the furniture, take up the carpets and pull all the stuff out from under the kids beds. (The fact that the team was coming had nothing to do with this cleaning spree! Honest!!) Then we had bible study, very good. Friday afternoon was Jessie's gymnastics presentation at school, (I will add some photos) which was lovely. She did a great job.
Friday night was a BBQ for all the Sunday School and youth Group leaders. Because Wadih decided at the last minute to go off to work I got a ride with one of the other leaders and took the kids off to spend the night with the girl who teaches John Arabic, and her little brothers and sister. We got home from the BBQ about 2am. At 6:30am I got a phone call from Jessie saying "Please come and get me, I've been throwing up all night!" She had managed to pick up the bug that John and I had had earlier in the week. The up side was I had a valid reason to cancel the 3 hours of tutoring that I was supposed to do Saturday morning and we spent the morning at home, yaay! Saturday afternoon was the wedding of a couple at church and our band was playing some of the music so the kids were once again dropped off with friends, Nigel and Annette this time, (Jessie had stopped thowing up by now), and as usual Wadih was at work. I must say, I haven't enjoyed a wedding in Lebanon as much as I enjoyed this one. The reception was at a very nice hotel and we danced like I haven't danced for a couple of years. My knees are still complaining. Then this morning after playing in church and leading youth group, the team arrived from the States. Very nice group of people and they are all settled in now, but the guy who was supposed to get them dinner suddenly didn't know anything about that so it was a quick dash down to the supermarket to whip up supper for 11 of us. And that brings us to now. Again, Wadih has gone off to put up lights somewhere, the kids are in bed asleep and I managed to get to the computer! Welcome to my life. I do enjoy it really and I am getting better at saying "NO" when I feel I have to. (I just did it tonight to more tutoring this week! Aren't you proud of me!) I am looking forward to seeing the first Australia game tomorrow against Japan.

Wow, this is getting long. I had better add the photos and stop!! Love you all lots. It was nice to talk to you today Mum. Glad you had a good day.


John said...

Just as well we don't have eight days in the week or you would be really busy. During the really busy times I keep going by convincing myself that next week will be quietier. Will be in Adealide from tomorrow but will try to ring before we go on our Emmaus weekend

Kerryn said...

I guss when you fianly get to bed at night you can sleep well knowing you made the most of the day and lots of people where blessed. Good to hear that you can say no when you want to all the same.