Monday, June 26, 2006

We are here

Okay, okay. I can take a hint. I realize it has been a while since I posted anything but to be honest, I was enjoying the chance to catch my breath. The team is safely back in the US. Saturday was a wonderfully lazy day. I managed to stay in bed with a book until about 11:30. Aaah bliss. Yesterday was a wonderful service at church, one of our informal ones and because all the kids and youth stay in for this one, we had about 120-130 people. It was great. Jessie took some fuzzy pictures of our worship band of which I will choose one to post, as well as a cute cat in the laundry basket. Today was back to work, and the kids are getting lots of practice at staying at home on their own, they prefer it to hanging about the office with me. I finished to day with another cracking headache. I've been getting a few too many of these lately. Not nice. Ah well, what can you do??

So there is life at the Masri's for now. Love to all.

PS I decided the fuzzy band wasn't worth putting up so I added Jessie with her monster creation that she made at some friends last week.!!

1 comment:

John said...

Sounds like you need to spend a few more days like saturday and stay in bed til 11.30.
Of course you could go to the doctor's for a check up