Monday, June 05, 2006

Jeanie's Adelaide trip

We have just returned from Adelaide having been to Flinders private Clinic. Dr Bowden was very nice and understanding. Unfortunately he was not able to get a sample of fluid from the lung and so we will be going back to flinders on the 21st. of June for a biopsy sample which is done under CT supervision. This will mean staying in the hospital for 4 hours to make sure there are no complications. The dr will be able to give a diagnosis of what the growth really is and then we will have a better understanding of how to care for Jeanie. She travelled very well. Next time we will stay at Aunty Kaye's overnight so that it will not be such a big day for everyone.
One hour of seeding to go in the morning to finish for the year. 1750 acres all up. All we need now is continuing rains.


John said...

The seeding was finished in less than an hour. We had just enough wheat in the truck to finish the paddock and were able to clean both airseeder and truck out ready to be put away for another year. Very frosty this morning and it looks as if we are in for a heavy frost tomorrow. We were able to sort out Jeanie's home care package this afternoon and looks as if she will be able to get someone both morning and night with other needs met as required.

Lindy said...

Thanks for the info Dad. Like Deb said, it is a shame that they could not do all they needed to do yesterday, I hope that it will all be finished next time round. Glad to hear that the seeding is all done and finished, now we just need the growing to start. Please give Grandma a big hug from us. Love

Kerryn said...

Good news for Jeanies home care. Hope the rains a commin!Lindy enjoyed the newsletter.Hope you all have a great day. xx