Thursday, February 05, 2009

Finally photos from Whyalla Kittos

Hi all. Hope that you are all keeping cool (or warm if that's more appropriate). Thought it was time to update the blog and share some pictures from the last month. Sorry, I don't have to time to lable each picture, but below you will find photos from the holiday the kids and I had in Orroroo in January (thanks mum and dad). On the way home the kids and I stopped at the lookout in Horrick's Pass and found a lizard on the road. 
The lego that Calvin is holding in the last shot is what he bought with his birthday money from Grandma Jean and Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you very much :)
Calvin has enjoyed starting school (despite the heat, and being trapped indoors without air-conditioning!).  It was lovely to have Ian and Karen Kitto here for a visit this week. This kids really liked their 'Nana & Pappa time".
Elisha is quickly becoming a big, active boy. He is on 3 solid meals a day now and likes to sit up and play on the floor. This morning he enjoyed his first outside playtime while I hung washing as it was a very pleasent high 20's at 9am.

Enjoy the pics. Love and hugs to you all.

(Eli does not like brocolli!)


John said...

great lot of photos covered a lot of activety> Eli seems to continue to grow at a rapid rate

Kerryn said...

Great photos Deb :) Good to see what everyone is up too cept the Orroroo for sale sign :(