Thursday, February 19, 2009

From Whyalla

Hello. Thanks for the post Lindy. I had been thinking that I should put some pics up today so thanks for the news and the inspiration.

Not a lot has been happening here apart from illness. The boy and I have been unwell since last Tuesday (10th) but thankfully Calvin has been back at school this week and Eli doesn't require being held all the time, but it is taking quite a long time to feel good again.
Oh did I mention that we were now very into duplo! (see above pic)
Stuart has been very busy with school and trips out of town, church and stuff. Can't really see that slowing down (!) but we are hoping to make a bit of a holiday of my birthday and head to Melbourne at the end of May, so that's something to look forward to.

We had mum and dad here Monday and Tuesday and that was absolutely lovely (not to mention that the house looks cleaner for mum being - thanks mum). 

The kids are very excited and I'm feeling rather bogan, because we are planning to go to our first monster truck rally on Saturday night! Complete with a car eating dinosaur!!!! lol Oh well, can't live in Whyalla without being a bit bogan I guess.

Hope that you are all well. Have a great holiday mum and day. Big hugs for you all. Mwah Mwah.

We're Not Dead!

Hello everybody. Just thought I should let you know that we are still alive and kicking, just not writing on the blog. So there is not alot new happening with us. The kids just had their mid term exams and then three days holidays which was nice. Work is still going well at Dar El Awlad, although we got struck by lightning which blew the generator so half the time there is no electricity and also the internet has not been working for the past week, but I think it is fixed today. And work is going well at All Saints' though I updated my computer last week and when I did the back up of all my files, for some reason it didn't copy most of my church folders so I lost all that info and had to hunt through emails to recreate as much as I could! And work is going well at YFC, we had some really good clubs the past couple of weeks with more kids than ever and plans for exciting things coming up.

So life is good with us. Lots of love to you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Lindy.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Finally photos from Whyalla Kittos

Hi all. Hope that you are all keeping cool (or warm if that's more appropriate). Thought it was time to update the blog and share some pictures from the last month. Sorry, I don't have to time to lable each picture, but below you will find photos from the holiday the kids and I had in Orroroo in January (thanks mum and dad). On the way home the kids and I stopped at the lookout in Horrick's Pass and found a lizard on the road. 
The lego that Calvin is holding in the last shot is what he bought with his birthday money from Grandma Jean and Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you very much :)
Calvin has enjoyed starting school (despite the heat, and being trapped indoors without air-conditioning!).  It was lovely to have Ian and Karen Kitto here for a visit this week. This kids really liked their 'Nana & Pappa time".
Elisha is quickly becoming a big, active boy. He is on 3 solid meals a day now and likes to sit up and play on the floor. This morning he enjoyed his first outside playtime while I hung washing as it was a very pleasent high 20's at 9am.

Enjoy the pics. Love and hugs to you all.

(Eli does not like brocolli!)