Sunday, February 17, 2008

My other little spot of fame!

Hey there everyone!! Guess what I finally found?? The YouTube copy of the music video clip that I played violin in!! (You didn't know I was so talented did you?) Here is the link so you can enjoy it for yourselves. Spot the faker :D

We have another Soul Connection Concert coming up in two weeks. Resident Alien is playing again and some of you may be pleased to know we are doing another Switchfoot song, We Are One Tonight. I know we didn't get any video of the last ones, but you never know..... maybe this time : ) Love to all


Kerryn said...

Wow! Very professional of course you are playing for real!!:)HOpe all goes well for the concert and that we get to see that soon too!!
LOts of love to you all..Kezza xx

Debbie said...

Ohhhh, well aren't you just the international violin star. I look forward to getting your autograph. ;)

I really hope that they can film you at the concert. Would be great to see that too. I'm working on my video now. *sigh. Is taking a long time, oh well, back to it.
Love and hugs -Debbie

John said...

Good things come to those who wait. Have just watched it twice with Grandma Jean and couldn't find any fakers. Very impressed. We will have to get you to play in church when you come out.Love from Orroroo. Mum, Dad and Jeanie