Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Hunter and The Bruised!

Whyalla update:

Last (last) Saturday Stuart went out fishing at 4am with the other Assistant Principal. And the hunter not only caught a fish, but he cleaned it and then cooked it for his family for tea.

Also, last Sunday night I lead worship and was playing tambourine for one song. This is what my leg looked liked after the service!!!

I hope that you are all well. Big hugs and kisses to you all.


Kerryn said...

wow! I thought only the Salvos had those kind of worship injurys!!:)
Hazza! for freshly caught/home cooked fish good on ya Stu!!
WE are all well thankyou and looking forward to seeing you soon..:)

John said...

Its a good feeling to be the huntergathering and provide for your family Well done.
Are you going to put in a compo claim?????

Lindy said...

Yum and Oww!!