Wednesday, February 06, 2008

At last!

Happy wedding anaversery Mum and Dad!! Hello all, hope everyone is well.
At last I have the computer to myself and some time to get familer with all that is new. Mike went to work at 6.30 this morn to spend time on the estemated 900 emails that await him after a lovely long break. Annie was out at 5:30 to go jogging for the second time this week with Hannah...good on her .. I dont know how long she will keep it up but I'm impressed :) Both kids have had a happy and smooth start to the school year, see the happy first day photo and note Zac with reletivly short hair!!
Mike and I recomend the train ride from Melb, such a relaxing way to travel.
So if this works I might find some more photos to share, untill then be safe, love you all, Kezza xx


John said...

good to see all those smiling faces.
The year is really back to routine now.

Lindy said...

Wow, look at Annie and Isaac!!! I mean ..... wow! Annie you look stunningly beautiful (runs in the family I know :) ) and Isaac, I like to 'do'. I had to convince John to let me trim his hair as we couldn't see him anymore, and a young friend told him he looked like a tree!! Hope you have a great year in school (HeeHee). Lovely pics. Byeeee

Debbie said...

Gosh we just need a blog from mum and dad now! Thanks for the photos. Like the new do Isaac. Calvin had his hair cut short on Tuesday. Might pop some photos up this morning.
I don't know why, but I'm finding that I don't have as much time as I thought I would. Not getting nearly as much done as I thought I would, but hopfully with a few more weeks of solid routine I'll get there.
Love and hugs to all,
... and glad to hear that your trip to Clare/Anniversary celebrations went well.