Friday, June 22, 2007

Natalie Jumps Rope for heart

This morning Calvin and I joined Natalie at school to watch a skipping demonstration and then see Natalie begin the many activities planned for the day. The whole school started with a health hustle and then each class moved to an activity. We stayed and watched Natalie do the first activity which involved running, jumping and crawling around an obstacle course. There were 12 other activities to do including elastics, sack races and of course skipping, skipping and more skipping. Was lovely and sunny (though the temp. when we left the school was still only 15 degs!).
Thank you for your support.

1 comment:

Kerryn said...

Well done Natalie!Looks like you had a healthy fun day. Your Mum looked flash in her fur coat in the photo down below with her fancy drink dont you think?
Its good to hear all your news, hope you keep safe and warm this week and will see you soon in the holidays.
Isaacs baptisim will be on the 8th of July (majority rules)It would be lovely if you can all come but ok if it doesnt work out.There's going to be a pizza party lunch at church after :)
Take care all
Love Kezza xx