Monday, June 04, 2007

Watoto and other news

Last night we all went to the Watoto children's choir at Bunyarra along with over 700 other people. They were absolutely fantastic, though Calvin became a little bit restless towards the end. I think that it is safe to say that I cried through the whole concert! Earlier in the afternoon I had gone to the shops with Natalie and we saw a poster for the concert and Natalie asked if we would be bring one of the kids home to live with us because they have no parents! I think that it was good for Natalie to hear the kids stories about how they have new parents now thanks to Watoto, though Stuart and I will probably end up sponsoring a child through the organization.

On other news, Tony and Leonie may have become offically engaged last week but this week they offically asked Stuart and I to be part of their wedding party (so we may be looking for baby sitters at the end of September).

On other other news, I fell down rather spectacularly (spectacularly embarrassingly that is) at church yesterday and managed to strain my ankle, so I'm hobbling around today feeling a bit sorry for myself (though with the lovely rain outside and the temperature being completely freezing, snuggling on the couch, with my foot up, with Calvin sounds quite attractive).

Hope that you are all well. Will be great when you get you new computer set up dad - all the best with that.

1 comment:

Kerryn said...

Hi there! It's great to hear that you got to the concert and the kids too. Its good to let our kids know a bit about life for other kids around the world. Zac especialy enjoyed hearing Hoa Stone talk about the orphans in Vietnam.
I cant believe youve hurt your foot!!!in church even!!So you realy have to be still and try and take it easy for a few days :)
Had Mum and Dad here last night and for lunch(they are home now)then Zacs b,ball game then get Annie from soccer prac then have Ellen ( youth person) for tea then my b;ball final and elders meeting here tonight, happy happy joy joy!!
See ya! Kezza xx