Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Johns Baptism

Well, here are some photos of Johns day Sunday. All in all it went very well. We had about 100 people there and also a few more on the beach who came and watched. It was lovely that Jido Adel could be involved and I'm sure it helped him feel happier about the whole deal. He then had his first day of final exams today and has one more lot on Thursday. Please pray for him. Jessie unfortunately missed her last day of school last Thursday as it was closed because of the MP who was killed Wed night. That was disappointing but hopefully she will see her teacher and some friends Wed when we go to collect her books and things.
Apart from that, we are all tired but fine. The FundRaising banquet at Dar El Awlad went well on Friday night and the Church Council Retreat on Saturday also was good. We have also started the farewells for Ian and Ackie, so as you might imagine, it has been a very emotional weekend all round. It was tough getting up this morning!!
Lots of love to everyone and I'm sure that John would love to hear from some of you guys too!


John said...

Hi Masris Great to hear that the day went so well, thanks for the photos which give a clearer idea of it all. Bless you John in your future journey with Jesus. Pray that your exams go well on Thursday.
Hope this week is somewhat quieter and you can all get some restful time.
Freezing nights here and awaiting more rain.

Kerryn said...

Thanks for the lovely photos.Its nice to kind of be able to feel part of important things like this with the blog.Hope you feel rather blessed after this special time John. Isaac is getting baptised in a few weeks, Caleb too! So I hope we can show you some photos as well.
Take care.