Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Calvin's Haircut

Calvin's looking a little different this afternoon (especially when compared with the photo below - oh my goodness!). He sat very still for the hairdresser but moved very quickly when it was time to collect his lolly pop. Calvin really likes lolly pops.

Hope everyone is well.


Anonymous said...

Very grown up young boy there. The haircut looks great. Sounds like it would have been a bit cosy in the church twith that many people packed in. Good to hear that it was so well supported. atrust the ankle mends quickly. IS THE WEDDING being held on the long weekend in Oct? Cheers Mum & Dad.

Debbie said...

Umm the WEDDING is on Saturday the 29th of September. But we are actually going to see if the Kittos would be interested (not that they know that yet!) in visiting then because the wedding cake may be being made in Victor H. and it would be useful to have someone who can bring it up (and it has been ages since Nanna and Grandpa visited their grandkids in their own home).
Yes the ankle is mending - slowly - but I can get around fine, just have to remember to rest it occasionally.

Love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

great haircut! great smile! great kid! great family!!!!
Annie also had her first haircut!! Will try and get a photo up soon :0
Have a good day!!
Kezz xx

The O'Brien's said...

Hi guys.....
Great blogsite!!!
We now have one too.
Only just started one today.