Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Self Indulgence Weekend

Last weekend we were able to spend a few days just doing the things we wanted and didn't have to worry about being there for somebody else. it was very nice. Tiffan on the Park was very good. We enjoyed a great meal at a window table and was able to watch the world go by on Greenhill road. A relaxing spa helped us enjoy a restful sleep. We had a good day at the show with Aunty Kaye and enjoyed the evenings entertainment on the main show ring including the fireworks. Sunday we went to West Beach for church and were able to catch up with some people we hadn't seen for some time and then as you all know we had an enjoyable night at the Hogbens catching up with everyone. Monday after some shopping in Marion and Koorong it was home and back into routine with Ambulance training. 20 points of rain Tuesday night, has freshened up the crops a bit so there is still some hope of a harvest. A couple of photos of our room which included chocolates and after a bit of a wait we were able to get a bottle of non Alcoholic wine to go with our meal.


Lindy said...

Wow, what a lovely room. I had no idea that you were living it up for the weekend. Seems that it was good all round. Quiet weekend, rain on the crops, catching up with friends and family. Sounds good to me.

Kerryn said...

Lindy I hope you and your fam get to have an exceptionaly good weekend to write about soon too!
Dad so glad you and Mum had a lovely time and even better to get the rain.You didnt say what the meal was.
Have a great day!

John said...

No we don't have a bed-spread like that but I wouldnt mind one. The meal was Veal Parmagiana with a tasty sauce for Mum and Dad had a Fillet-mingon with mushroom sauce. We shared a side dish of wedges, sour cream, bacon strips and bean slices.
Dad struggled through a chocolate torte with icecream and a toffee garnish.
Lindy, you should understand that our stay there was courtesy of Primary Industry because Dad filled out a survey for them and was a lucky recipient of the gift voucher. We did enjoy. :)

Lindy said...

Yes I remember when he won that. I had wondered if this was the occasion for using it.