Friday, September 22, 2006

Finally we have broadband

After delays of 3 months last night the fellas rocked up to install our connection 40 mins later we were up and running. This morning I was checking out a couple of our favorites sites when page cannot be displayed kept coming up. After playing around for some time I thought I would check the new tower on the Top Hotel and as I walked towards the street I saw the new 50 foot tower lying across the power lines. So our boadband was short lived.
Fortunately it did not cut the power off but had a few people worried that the hotel was alive.
ETSA arrived about 90 mins later and shut the power off and removed the tower from the wires..
This afternoon we were back on line with a smaller tower but it seems to be working OK.


Lindy said...

Hey Marbrook on your new broadband. I hope this means that we will be able to have lots more postings from the "We're STILL Cozens'" Cozens!! Trust it will last longer than one night. Love to you all.

Kerryn said...

Gee nothing seems to happen smoothly in the country! Glad that you are now " up to speed!" Had a nice chat with Jeanie the other day say Hello for us. Also recieved the letter from Jamestown. Thanks.
Take care all, will do a blog soon.