Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Night out at the theatre

Well that might be a bit of an exaggeration. We went to the school arts assembly with items from the primary school classes and choir at 6.30pm. This was followed at 8.00pm by the high school putting 0n their musical production "Back to the eighties." It was well done but did not see any future Australian Idols. It did not finish until 10.40pm so it turned out to be a long night in a gym that was getting colder by the minute.
Managed to get three Merino rams yesterday happy with what we got.
must go god bless.


Lindy said...

Sounds very civilised. Glad to hear that Orroroo is keeping up it's cultural responsibilities. !! ;)

Kerryn said...

Sounds good. Isaac is gearing up for the school musical next week. Lindy do you think you and kids will come over again in time?? :)

Lindy said...

We would love to, especially John. Going to Australia is still one of his favorite topics!! We had better start swimming! ;)