Thursday, September 28, 2006

Brighton Bits

How do you like shepheard Isaac? This was his main costume for the musical, he also had a smaller roll as the slave that was beaten by the solier that Moses killed!!
He did a good job at both parts. Annie helped out the back with the make up, kinda her thing at the moment:/
Both kids had good reports and are looking forward to the holidays, though having to look after their old mother might make things a bit quiet. :)
Still waiting to see if the Fergies are comming with us to Orroroo for the bonfire to beat all bonfires, mmm must remember to ask someone to feed the presious pussys while we are away.
John & Jessie I guss it must be getting close to schooltime soon,enjoy the last bit of the holidays.
Well take care all
Love Kez xx

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Back to the Future

Today Orroroo celebrated its 100th. show. Started off a lovely day but the wind came up in the afternoon that made things a bit uncomfortable. I was to have lunch with the Governor, but she was sick and unable to come. Grahan Gunn our local member of parliament opened the show in her place. Some photos of some of the old vehicles on display. Lindy the Crows have just been beaten in the prelim. final by West Coast by 10 points bit sad as they led for the first 82 mins of the match.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Finally we have broadband

After delays of 3 months last night the fellas rocked up to install our connection 40 mins later we were up and running. This morning I was checking out a couple of our favorites sites when page cannot be displayed kept coming up. After playing around for some time I thought I would check the new tower on the Top Hotel and as I walked towards the street I saw the new 50 foot tower lying across the power lines. So our boadband was short lived.
Fortunately it did not cut the power off but had a few people worried that the hotel was alive.
ETSA arrived about 90 mins later and shut the power off and removed the tower from the wires..
This afternoon we were back on line with a smaller tower but it seems to be working OK.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Masri News

Well, ithought it was about time for some more news from the Masri's. It is not very exciting but it is us at the moment. The dog is Ronja whom I have been looking after for our neighbours/friends while they are back in Sweden. She is very sweet and it has been good for me to have to get out and walk three times a day with her. I am going to miss the evening walks and may even keep doing them, even without the dog!

We now have our very own private road. You can see they have put a huge gate across the road and even though it means we now have to drive all the way around, it is very nice not having cars and trucks driving past our lounge window. They also took away the tall fence around the garden and the plan is to put LAWN!!!!!!!!!! That will be very exciting, and I hope they are going to maintain it as well. Here's hoping.

Lastly is John's Lego creation. He was trying to see how tall he could make his...... link/chain thing. As you can see, he managed to make it pretty tall!

It was great to be able to talk to Mum, Dad and Deb today. Sorry about the bad connections. Still, I think we managed to say all we needed before I went under the road and lost the signal!! Except maybe, "Thanks for the call. I love you."
Heidi, if you are still reading this blog, Wadih would like to be able to contact with you. His e-mail address is

Thats all folks!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

a great "non party "birthday

Who are we kidding! It was a party. Nine friends after school with a big sister who oganised some games, mum who provided lots of great food, and lots of lovely cards @ pressies. Zac had breaky in bed and other good things for the day. Thanks for the e-cards from Lebanon.We had an eyeball treasure hunt-see photos, and today a soccer win 5-0 with pizza lunch breakup then a play with a friend who took him bowling, then the Lords and Hoggies Snr for Pizza tea! We will sleep well tonight and dream of pizza!
Take care all. xxxx

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Night out at the theatre

Well that might be a bit of an exaggeration. We went to the school arts assembly with items from the primary school classes and choir at 6.30pm. This was followed at 8.00pm by the high school putting 0n their musical production "Back to the eighties." It was well done but did not see any future Australian Idols. It did not finish until 10.40pm so it turned out to be a long night in a gym that was getting colder by the minute.
Managed to get three Merino rams yesterday happy with what we got.
must go god bless.

Monday, September 11, 2006

we got mail

Good news Lindy, your letter arrived in the post today 10 days after you wrote your letter. Will try and get to Jamestown this week and set up the bank account and then we can start winding up Trevor's estate. Nice sunny day, off to buy some merino rams at Hallett and down to Mallala to get a couple of White Suffolk rams on Thursday. Photo of the Pekina reservoir taken on Sat.

Hogben happenings

Well a not too busy weekend is over and now its not long till Isaacs & he reminds us everyday.This year is a non party year but somehow we have ended up with 10 boys comming for an afternoon tea "play" after school. Not too bad realy.
Cheese still featurs prominatly on his birthday wish list!!?!
I survived Annie going to the show without us and she did too, Zac and I had a nice day seeing Hoodwinked and getting him new shoes and a hair cut.
The jelly beans were from Todd and Tammy when they got back from the States. Annie sorted them out so we could sellect our choice of flavor and ....Todd and Tammy are growing their own Jelly bean Cleek!!!!:)I'm not sure if this means they are more or less likely to stay, we still have to wait and see.
The photo of us shows our ann. breakfast from the kids.
Murphy didnt go to the vet. She was fine the next day. Must have just been nerves or something. Hope Kat is ok.
Well John and Jessie enjoy the last bit of your holidays.
Hope everyone keeps safe and well.
Love Kez xx :)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Who'd have thought so many famous Australians could die in one week.!

Howdy Lindy, I just thought you might be interested to hear that in addition to Steve Irwin getting killed by a sting ray, this week has also seen Peter Brock wrap a car around a tree in a rally (causing his death) and Colin Thiele die a peaceful death at home. (You might have heard about Irwin, but I didn't think Peter Brock or Colin Thiele were likely to make the Lebanese or British news.)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Self Indulgence Weekend

Last weekend we were able to spend a few days just doing the things we wanted and didn't have to worry about being there for somebody else. it was very nice. Tiffan on the Park was very good. We enjoyed a great meal at a window table and was able to watch the world go by on Greenhill road. A relaxing spa helped us enjoy a restful sleep. We had a good day at the show with Aunty Kaye and enjoyed the evenings entertainment on the main show ring including the fireworks. Sunday we went to West Beach for church and were able to catch up with some people we hadn't seen for some time and then as you all know we had an enjoyable night at the Hogbens catching up with everyone. Monday after some shopping in Marion and Koorong it was home and back into routine with Ambulance training. 20 points of rain Tuesday night, has freshened up the crops a bit so there is still some hope of a harvest. A couple of photos of our room which included chocolates and after a bit of a wait we were able to get a bottle of non Alcoholic wine to go with our meal.

Busy Bakers

Thought it might be nice to see what my kids are doing to occupy their time. Cooking is one of John's current hobbies and he is quite good at it. Jessie enjoys taking over and doing the fun bits. She even managed to make tuna salad for all of us for lunch today. Aren't they clever beans!! And the cake was very yummy!

(Sorry the photo's are a bit fuzzy. I'm not sure why that is.)