Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Masri Update!

Hello world. I finally managed to get back onto Blogger.

So here is the latest news from out little corner of Beirut!!

The 'kids' finally went back to school today. First day of school since late June! Jessie has moved up to the Senior department, in Grade 6 and John is Grade 8. They have literally just walked throught the door and both survived their first day back.

I also had a new start last week, having accepted another part time job with Youth For Christ. I will be running the Rock Solid program, clubs for 13 to 15 year olds! Yay, will be lots of fun I am sure.

Wadih is doing okay, and keeping busy with work. We helped out at the dinner for his cousin's wedding last week. (Anyone remember Liliane??) That was fun.

The weather has finally changed after too many hot and humid days. The cool is finally coming =) We are all happy and ..... happy. That is about it from us. Love to hear from you all soon!


John said...

Good to hear some news. Life is depressing here as we slowly watch the crops die off. Not sure even if we will get our seed back that is the best we can hope for. that has really been a long break from school trust they both have a good year. I am in Adelaide this weekend for an Emmaus training Mum is home running a strawberry and icecream stall for the Quilting weekend in Orroroo.

Lindy said...

Sorry to hear that things there are not going well, on the farm at least. I hope there are other good things happening that will put a smile on your face. Love you! =)

Kerryn said...

Thanks for the news! Happy is good :)
Eli makes us Happy and so did the big bonnfire we had on the weekend.
Love you all too!! xxxxx