Monday, September 15, 2008

Elisha George Kitto!

Thought it was about time that Eli made it to the family blog.

Hope that you are all well. Love and hugs.


Kerryn said...

Fantastic! Love the sute. Did you design it? Zac had a great bday and got Honours in the TOMinds and Annie is sick and Mike is of to Woomera :0
Love to all too!! :) xxxxxxx

John said...

Great to see the photo certainly looks like a happy chappie. trust the weekend went well

Debbie said...

Glad to hear that Isaac had a good birthday.
Yes I drew the picture and made Eli's shirt (it's a baby puppy sized elephant doing the nerdfighter sign!).
Cool about the TOM's honour :)
Sorry to hear that Annie is sick. Natalie is coughing a lot and Calvin has been a bit flat. Really hope that we won't get any thing else.
Love and hugs to all.